Exhibition "El Misterio de la Creación (The Mystery of Creation)" |
05/09/2024 |
Dialogues with Linda de Sousa: Find your Talent. Fourteenth episode |
23/09/2024 |
Linda de Sousa awarded the Mayte Spínola Gold Medal |
02/03/2024 |
A look at the World of Women. XIX Edition |
08/03/2024 |
Arte en Acción, Guayaquil. International Cat Day |
20/02/2024 |
Exhibition in honor of San Sebastian |
12/01/2024 |
Arte en Acción, Guayaquil. International Human Rights Day |
10/01/2024 |
XIV Baricarte International Show |
27/12/2023 |
All You Need is Art, Contemporary Art Festival in Lisbon, Portugal. Curator Linda de Sousa |
26/10/2023 |
Judge in Master Brush Int. Award |
11/10/2023 |
Certificate of Master Brush Int. Award |
11/10/2023 |
Recognition of Excellence |
16/08/2023 |
Roma'23 Tour ITACA' |
01/08/2023 |
Afro-descendants around the world |
25/07/2023 |
A Arte no ALTO. PAS. Açoteia Faro Rooftop Festival 2023 |
07-8/07/2023 |
Linda de Sousa with the Student Chancelleries |
15/06/2023 |
Linda de Sousa, Cultural Ambassador |
15/06/2023 |
Linda de Sousa, Cultural Ambassador |
15/06/2023 |
Exhibition at the Ex-Conservatory S.Anna Lecce. Italy |
15/06/2023 |
Student Chancelleries |
02/06/2023 |
Surrealism in Painting. Frida Kahlo Gallery, UAS. México |
06/05/2023 |
Juan Jiménez al Desnudo II. Chicharro Hall in AEPE, Madrid |
04/05/2023 |
Mexico-Spain-Portugal Meeting |
24/04/2023 |
Arteria, XX Monzón Contemporary Art Fair, Huesca |
22 and 23/04/2023 |
Linda de Sousa, Deputy Chancellor of Europe, Spain |
22/01/2023 |
"A Look at the World of Women XVIII Edition", House of Culture, UAS. Mexico |
08/03/2023 |
"La Muestra", Collective exhibition and private presentation coinciding with #ARCO2023 |
25/02/2023 |
"Venecia'23", Scuola Grande San Teodoro, Venice |
10/02/2023 |
"I Winter Hall of Medinaceli DeArte", Ducal Palace of Medinaceli |
04/02/2023 |
"Permanent exhibition of Juan Jiménez in La Lola Restaurant, Madrid |
03/02/2023 |
"Andalucía" Phetalo Gallery, Sevilla |
15/12/2022 |
Bank Art Fair. Seoul, Corea |
27/10/2022 |
"Extramuros" San Francisco de Avila Municipal Auditorium |
07/10/2022 |
"Art Unites us with Hope" Prisma Internacional, Chile |
04/10/2022 |
"XIV Salón Baricharte" Casa de Asturias, Madrid |
01/10/2022 |
"V International Day of the Dead Celebration" UAS; Sinaloa, Mexico |
01/10/2022 |
"Beyond the Borders" Aesthetics of faces |
01/10/2022 |
"MusicARTE" |
23/09/2022 |
"IV International Meeting of Art and Culture". FBA Ecuador |
09/09/2022 |
"TOUR ITACA 2022", Art Gallery Don Pedro, Porto. Portugal |
27/08/2022 |
"ARTnostrumSAX" |
05/08/2022 |
"Peace in Colors Exhibition" |
22/07/2022 |
"Nature". International Environment Day |
09/06/2022 |
"Delicias con Arte". Train museum, Madrid |
26/05/2022 |
"ART PROTesta". ArteAdiscar Gallery | Margui López, Málaga |
15/05/2022 |
"All you Need is Art". Contemporary Art Festival. Lisbon, Portugal |
23/03/2022 |
"Miradas" (Looks). International Women's Day |
09/03/2022 |
"Pac to Art". First season |
"Women in Art". La Gáleria Arteadiscar Margui lópez. Málaga |
19/03/2022 |
"ARTIST 360º". Moda Shopping Mall, Madrid. |
23/02/2022 |
"31 International Artists". House of Culture Miguel Tamayo Espinosa de los Monteros. Culiacan, Sinaloa. Mexico. |
04/02/2022 |
III San Gil International Art Exhibition, Santander. Colombia. |
17/12/2021 |
"XIII Baricharte International Exhibition. International MAI Colombia Museum. Barichara, Colombia. |
17/12/2021 |
"The children of the world paint peace". PAX Cultura. |
17/12/2021 |
"Art is Life!" Art Basel. Cambass Gallery, Miami. USA |
20/12/2021 |
Collective Por Amor al Arte |
30/12/2021 |
"25th Mosaic Padam Chand Memorial Global On-line Painting Competition" Happy School |
30/12/2021 |
"1st World Chromatic Pyramidism Exhibition" |
30/12/2021 |
"Tribute to Music. Tribute to Patricio Manns" |
18/11/2021 |
"Creative Collaboration For Tolerance and Peace" |
20/11/2021 |
"Youth for Peace" Alliance of the Americas |
14/11/2021 |
"Painting Exhibition" Collective Por Amor al Arte |
02/11/2021 |
"3rd International Meeting of Art and Culture" |
28/10/2021 |
"5 artists for the love to art" |
30/10/2021 |
"Prêmio TV Channel" |
20/10/2021 |
"Expo Rostro" |
14/09/2021 |
"Gerontological educational marathon" |
06/09/2021 |
"Peace Chronology" |
06/09/2021 |
"The Tower" Max Center Art Gallery. Barakaldo, Vizcaya. |
06/10/2021 |
"Mundos Paralelos (Parallel worlds)" Espacio 7 Gallery. Paris |
04/09/2021 |
"Miniart International" |
04/09/2021 |
"Tribute to God" |
15/08/2021 |
"Encuentro en las Torres (Meeting at the Towers)" Las Merindades Historic Museum. Medina de Pomar, Burgos. |
27/08/2021 |
"Sofárte. Honorable mention" |
26/08/2021 |
"Homenaje al Maestro" ADACH, Peru |
06/07/2021 |
"Nuestro Color (Our Color)" UAS, México. |
31/05/2021 |
"Arte Erótico Euroamericano (Erotic Euroamerican Art)" |
21/07/2021 |
"Beyond the borders" Fantapia M, Chang Kil-Hwan Art Museum. Gangneung, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea |
15/07/2021 |
"XL Salón Internacional del Caribe" |
05/07/2021 |
"Clara Pechansky and her 33 friends" |
26/03/2021 |
"Una Mirada al Mundo de la Mujer (A Look at the World of the Women)" UAS Guest of Honor |
10/03/2021 |
Solidarity exhibition and tribute to Padre Angel |
07/05/2021 |
UAS Exhibition 130 artist for the world |
05/05/2021 |
I International Contest HuellArts Digital 2021 |
30/03/2021 |
Exhibition Clara Pechansky and her 33 friends |
26/03/2021 |
Tribute of the artists of Santana Art Gallery to the renowned painter Antonio López |
06/01/2021 |
"Una Mirada al Mundo de la Mujer (A Look at the World of the Women)" UAS Round table |
08/03/2021 |
"Una Mirada al Mundo de la Mujer (A Look at the World of the Women)" UAS |
08/03/2021 |
"Una Mirada al Mundo de la Mujer (A Look at the World of the Women)" UAS |
11/01/2021 |
"Solo Arte" AEPE |
30/12/2020 |
XII International BarichArte Exhibition, Colombia 2020-2021 |
26/12/2020 |
V Autumn Salon of the Axarquia. Moclinejo 2020 |
15/12/2020 |
"V Drawing, Engraving and Illustration Salon" AEPE |
30/10/2020 |
Biarco.III International Biennial of Contemporary Art |
13/11/2020 |
Lemon Art. GpAyC traveling exhibition |
11/11/2020 |
06/11/2020 |
"Sofárte" Art international exhibition. |
15/10/2020 |
"From my window" International virtual exhibition. Prisma Internacional. |
15/10/2020 |
"A minute of Reflection in International Art" Virtual exhibition. Frida Kahlo Art Gallery. |
22/09/2020 |
1st Summer Show of the Axarquía. Moclinejo 2020 |
31/08/2020 |
Serendipity: Guest Linda de Sousa on Hilal Radio |
02/08/2020 |
Click on the image to watch the program in YouTube
"Homeostasis" VII Pachamama Artist Women Virtual Meeting. Cuzco, Peru |
01/08/2020 |
"Your best painting" Virtual exhibition. Galería artelibre |
06/2020 |
Web Seminary "Campaigns and Programs for the Good Treatment of the Elderly" |
30/06/2020 |
Certificado Fundación de Bellas Artes de Ecuador |
18/05/2020 |
Exhibition "Clara Pechansky and her friends" |
06/05/2020 |
V Salón de Arte Abstracto de la AEPE (V Hall of Abstract Art of the AEPE) |
07/05/2020 |
A lápiz o pincel (In pencil or brush): New radio show directed by Linda de Sousa |
30/04/2020 |
ARTEINFORMADO: #arteCOVID-19 & cuARTEentena. On-line exihibitions in times of confinement during the Covid-19 pandemic |
04/2020 |
"En Femenino". Caldero Radio |
12/03/2020 |
Carnaval. Collective exhibition in Rome |
31/02/2020 |
Delivery of Diplomas of Grupo pro Arte y Cultura 2020 |
11/01/2020 |
EXPOARTE GpAyC Crear y Ayudar at Santana Art Gallery |
19/12/2019 |
First Collective Expo Women in Santana Art Gallery |
14/11/2019 |
Donation certificate of II Charity auction LlevArte of the Vianorte-Laguna Foundation |
06/2019 |
New York, New York! Collective International Art Exhibition |
31/10/2019 |
Smylife Collection Beauty Art V |
18/11/2019 |
Artistas s.XX al XXI. Santana Art Gallery, Madrid |
05/10/2019 |
Exhibition Sin Fronteras II in Santiago de Chile |
11/10/2019 |
12ª Arte no Fórum in São Paulo, Brasil |
20/09/2019 |
Discussion table in UAH |
27/09/2019 |
Exhibition “El Quijote viaja a Santo Domingo” in Molina del Segura |
05/09/2019 |
Interview on the radio program “Tu lo dirías” about Hispanic Art |
29/08/2019 |
Click on the image to listen to the interview
Consciência Ecológica e Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo. |
04/08/2019 |
Certificate of participation in the Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop |
16/07/2019 |
Charity auction LlevArte of the Vianorte-Laguna Foundation |
17/06/2019 |
Charity auction organized by Ocre&Oro, Tarragona. |
14/06/2019 |
Exhibition “El Quijote viaja a Santo Domingo” in Domus Artis Galery in El Toboso. |
22/04/2019 |
Paris Tour Saint Jacques (click in image to go) |
11-12/2018 |
Le chemin de Compostelle a Paris. |
11-12/2018 |
Luxembourg Art Prize 2018. Certificado de participación |
01/12/2018 |
Exhibition “Otoño en Barcelona” (Autumn in Barcelona) at Aragón232 Gallery. |
06/11/2018 |
Invited Artist in the exhibition “Paris” of Collect Brazilian Jewelry in Paris |
19/10/2018 |
Mention of Honor to Linda de Sousa in 3rd East West Arts Exhibition at Lisbon, Portugal. |
29/09/2018 |
Received the Great Bronze Medal of Digital Art at XXXII Salão de Artes Plásticas de Arceburgo, Brazil |
16/06/2018 |
European Parliament Debate at Bruselas |
05/06/2018 |
Exhibition "Soirée à Paris” in Paris |
05/05/2018 |
"Dicotomia das cores e formas" in São Paulo, Brasil |
03/05/2018 |
National Palace, Sintra, Portugal |
01/04/2017 |