2020-06-30 Give visibility to transparency. Linda de Sousa
2020-08-02 Serendipity at Hilal Radio Guest: Linda de Sousa
2020-06-23 Cycle of Conferences "Big 5 of Mexico" organized by Linda de Sousa and taught by Gregorio Luke
2020-06-05 57 San Isidro Contest of the AEPE
2020-05-07 V Hall of Abstract Art of the AEPE
2020-04-30 In pencil or brush. 2nd radio show with Mayte Spínola, Gregorio Luke and Mario Saslovsky
2020-04-30 In pencil or brush. Premiere of the radio show with Clara Pechansky, María José Bro and José Gabriel Astudillo
2020-02-24 Mayte Spínola Gold Medals 2019. Madrid
2020-01-18 Delivery of GpAyC Excellence Diplomas 2020. Madrid
2020-01-16 Video of the exhibition “Expoarte GpAyC | Crear y Ayudar” at Santana Art Gallery, Madrid
2019-10-31 Video of the exhibition “New York, New York!” in Santana Art Gallery, New York
2019-09-27 The Art Space of the Middle of the 20th century to the present. Discussion table in UAH. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid
2019-09-05 Video of the opening of the exhibition “El Quijote viaja a Santo Domingo” in Molina de Segura, Murcia
2019-10-14 Video of the exhibition of the Spanish Collection of GpAyC in Tblisi, Georgia
2019-10-05 Video of the opening of the exhibition “Artistas del s.XX al XXI” at Santana Art Gallery, Madrid
2019-07-12 Smylelife. Smy Collection Beauty Art V
2019-06-19 Video of Donation of 50 works of the GpAyC to the Prince Davit Bagrationi to be exhibited in Georgia
2019-04-22 Video of the opening of the exhibition “El Quijote viaja a Santo Domingo” in Domus Artis Gallery in El Toboso, Toledo
2019-03-17 Video of Espaço Arte Livre at 7th ARTSmanif in Festival of Migrations, Luxembourg
2019-01-10 Video of the Grupo proArte y Cultura Diplomas award ceremony in the House Museum El Romeral, Madrid.
2018-12-22 Video of the opening of Magical Garden of Art at House Museum El Romeral, Madrid.
2018-10-19 Video of the exhibition “Paris” at Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France.
2018-10-04 Video of the opening of the exhibition “Connecting Cultures” in the Palais des Nations at Geneva (United Nations), Switzerland.
2018-10-19 Exhibition “Paris” of Collect Brazilian Jewelry at Carrousel du Louvre, Paris.
2018-09-10 Video of the opening of the exhibition “Claroscuro” of José Luis Lorenzo at La Puerta Gótica in Pamplona, Navarra.
2018-07-24 Video of the awards ceremony of Ocre&Oro and Diplomas of Grupo proArte y Cultura during the opening of The Magical Garden of Art at Casa Spínola.
2018-07-04 Video of the imposition of Crosses of The Order of the Eagle of Georgia during the opening of The Magical Garden of Art at Casa Spínola.
2018-06-05 Video of the opening of the exhibition “Connecting Cultures” in the Lycée Molière in Brussels including scenes of previous debate at the European Parliament.
2018-06-15 Video “Historia de una Menina” about the creation of a Menina for the exhibition Meninas Madrid Gallery.
2018-05-29 Video that will be projected during the Debate “How arts can affect politics and society: youth involvement and connecting cultures initiative” at the European Parliament in Brussels on next june 5.
2018-05-05 Exhibition “Soirée à Paris” in Thuillier Gallery in Paris.
2018-04-15 Urban exhibition “Meninas Madrid Gallery”
2018-04-04 Exhibition “Connecting Cultures” in ACUA room in Ciudad Real.
2018-02-15 Exhibition “Connecting Cultures” in Real Casa de Moneda in Segovia.
2017-12-12 Exhibition “Solidaridad con Mensajeros de la Paz”.
2017-04-18 Opening of “Existencia, Soledad y Amor” exhibition homage to CJC on the first centenary of his birth in the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center of Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2017-04-18 “Existencia, Soledad y Amor” exhibition homage to CJC on the first centenary of his birth in the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center of Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2017-01 Exhibition “Constitución y Libertad” in the museum Adolfo Suárez in Cebreros (Ávila).
2016-11-20 Semana Cela. 7th day: Closing and Round table.
2016-11-19 Semana Cela. 6th day: “Pascual o la performance histórica de una masculinidad violenta”.
2016-11-18 Semana Cela. 5th day: “Cela ante el arte de relatar en la prensa”.
2016-11-17 Semana Cela. 4th day: “A propósito de unos versos de Sagrario Torres”.
2016-11-16 Semana Cela. 3th day: “Apuntes sobre CJC y las artes visuales”.
2016-11-15 Semana Cela. 2th day: Reading poems of CJC by Julia Herrera de Salas.
2016-11-14 Semana Cela. 1th day: Press conference and opening.
2016-11-13 Semana Cela. Assembly of the exhibition “Homenaje a CJC en el Primer Centenario de su Nacimiento”.
2016-06-13 “Spanische Sammlung” Habsburgo Lorena Collection exposed in the Castle of Gmünd, Austria.
2016-03-01 Solo exhibitions “Las Señoritas de Celestina” of Linda de Sousa and “Celestineando” of Juan Jiménez in the Museum of La Celestina in La Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo).
2015-09-21 Installation “Santa Teresa Dialoga con la Naturaleza”.
2015-10-24 50 years of permanence in first row: Galería Kreisler, homage to a great Gallery Saga.
2015-08-29 Exhibition “Homenaje a Miguel de Cervantes en el IV Centenario de la publicación de la 2ª parte del Quijote”.
2015-05-28 “Exposición de Joyería Artística” in the Club 567Arte in Madrid.
2015-04-30 Show de Bola in B.AGL Berlin Art Art Goes Live, Alemania.
2015-04-08 Opening of sculpture “Dulcinea: Fuiste, Eres y Serás” in front of the Casa Museo de Dulcinea in El Toboso.
2015-03-08 Opening in the Parque da Liberdade in Sintra of the sculpture “Homenaje a Carolina Beatriz Ângelo”.
2015-01-10 Opening of “A erótica da materia” in the MUSA in Sintra.
2014-01-10 Interview in the opening of the exhibition “Por los caminos del Quijote” in Puertollano. Info.doc, imástv.es I
2011-09-10 Performance homage to the 40 wimen murdered from January 1 to September 10,2011.
2011-04-28 “Tejiendo redes, tejiendo leyes”.
2011-04-28 The Myth of Arachne and the Textile Industry.
2011-09-23 “Transparentes” in UAM.
2010-01-21 Staging about installation “La Erótica de la Materia” produced on the occasion of the exhibition “La petite mort: La sonrisa de Tánatos” in La Maison de la Lanterne Rouge (Madrid, January 2010)
2009-09-20 Installation ¡Existen! presented for INPEA Congress in the Palais de Congres, París.
2009-02-13 “Transparentes” in Casa de Caldelas, Guimarães, Portugal.